Research Centers & Clinics

Our Research

Research is critical to the development of knowledge and a catalyst for ensuring high-level academic teaching and courses. The college’s Research Authority, under the leadership of Dr. Irena Vladinmirski, aims to promote and expand research at Achva by enhancing the relevant infrastructure and cultivating the faculty’s realization of their research potential.

The Research Authority encourages interdisciplinary collaborations among Achva researchers as well as research projects conducted jointly with researchers from other academic institutions in Israel and abroad. Our faculty members are proud winners of prestigious and competitive research grants both in Israel and abroad.

Research at Achva Academic College is Concentrated, inter alia, on the Following Fields and Topics:

Neuropedagogy and education | Physiology, behavior and ecology of organisms | Environmental microbiology and sustainability | Developmental psychology

Psychological effects of diversity |  Education management | Education and teaching methods of math and science |

Applying digital technology and cognitive neuroscience to promote meaningful learning | Memory, automatic processes and mathematical cognition

Centers & Clinics

Communication, Disorders and Culture-Sensitive Clinical Psychology

Simulation and Research Center

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Hub

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