"*" אינדוקטור שדות חובה
מתעניינים/ות בלימודים? השאירו פרטים ונחזור אליכם/ן
השאירו פרטים ונחזור אליכם בהקדם או חייגו כבר עכשיו 3622*
"*" אינדוקטור שדות חובה
B.A. Tel-Aviv University, Departments of English and Linguistics [double major]
M.A. Bar-Ilan University, Department of English [Linguistics] (cum laude)
Ph.D. Bar-Ilan University, Department of English [Linguistics]
I graduated from Bar-Ilan University in 2009. My doctoral studies inspired my research in the field of Clinical Linguistics, and my Ph.D. thesis presented a study examining the acquisition of a second language (Hebrew) by speakers with schizophrenia. During my Ph.D. studies and for several subsequent years, I implemented linguistic analysis to get insight into the process of the Second Language acquisition by schizophrenia-affected patients.
After a break, that was related to maternity leave, the focus of my research shifted to implementing linguistic analysis as a generic tool in educational settings and demonstrating the value of linguistic analysis for understanding implicitly conveyed messages. In particular, since 2017, I have employed the methods of linguistic analysis (predominantly Systemic Functional Linguistics) to understand the phenomena related to the development of pre- and inservice teachers’ professional identity in the context of PBL and team teaching. In addition, I have applied the means of Systemic Functional Linguistic analysis, computational linguistics, and language psychology methods to study science teachers’ worldviews in the context of the digital revolution (collaboration with Tsybulsky, D.). Finally, a similar linguistic analysis methodology was used to understand the process of Mobile Learning adoption by pre- and inservice teachers. In particular, a recently submitted study is dedicated to inservice teachers’ emotional response to their experience of the ML-technology adoption (collaboration with Frei-Landau R., Avidov-Ungar O.).
In 2018, I joined Achva Simulations Center, led by Dr. Levin. In our collaborative work, I employed methods of linguistic analysis to shed light on the evidence of preservice teachers’ professional development during Simulation-Based Learning. In addition, as a member of the Simulation Center research team, I have contributed to examining the simulation-observer's learning experience by utilizing various methods of linguistic analysis as a generic tool (in collaboration with Frei-Landau R). Finally, I have used the methods of linguistic analysis to examine how elementary mathematics teachers’ competencies to implement neuroscience theory into their teaching practices were built
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