"*" אינדוקטור שדות חובה
מתעניינים/ות בלימודים? השאירו פרטים ונחזור אליכם/ן
השאירו פרטים ונחזור אליכם בהקדם או חייגו כבר עכשיו 3622*
"*" אינדוקטור שדות חובה
.Bachelor's degree in life sciences from Ben Gurion University
.Ph.D. in molecular biology – design of an endonuclease that cuts desired DNA
Visit to Sir Aaron Klug’s laboratory in Cambridge U.K
Post doctorate in neuroscience at the Hebrew University
In recent years, specialization in science teaching and integrative learning
I hold a PhD in molecular biology. During work on it, I developed an endonuclease that cuts desired DNA. Patents have been obtained in Europe and the United States, based on the idea and the method I used to develop the endonuclease
Following completion of my doctoral thesis, I was invited to the laboratory of Nobel laureate, Sir Aaron Klug, in Cambridge, U.K
Later, I worked in the laboratory of the Hebrew University. The subject of the research was SNARE proteins – proteins that are responsible for the fusion of synaptic vesicles to the active zone
In recent years, I was a member of a research group that investigated the involvement of VDAC1, a protein that is responsible for the life and death of the cell in cancer and Alzheimer's
Recently, I turned to research topics in the field of teaching and education
I promote interdisciplinary learning of science and literature and lead unique science courses that combine academic and community aspects
Science Teaching I Sciences
} if (!empty($secondaryDisciplines)) { ?>Integrative Teaching I Education and Leadership