מרכז סימולציה ומחקר

מרכז סימולציה ומחקר

פרסומים נבחרים

  • Frei-Landau, R., Orland-Barak, L., & Muchnick-Rozonov, Y, (2022). What's in it for the observer? Mimetic aspects of learning through observation in simulation-based learning in teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 113, 103682

  • Levin, O, (2022). Reflective processes in clinical simulations from the perspective of the simulation actors. Reflective Practice, 1-16

  • Levin, O., Frei-Landau, R., Flavian, H. & Miller, E. C, (2022). Creating authenticity in simulation-based learning in teacher education: Exploring the role of simulation scenarios. European journal of teacher education, 24 pp. (accepted for publication)

  • Levin, O, (2022). Clinical simulations as the gym for training and professional development in education. Biennial of Future Designers in Education 2022. OECD International Education Conference. Buildings of the Nation, Jerusalem

  • Assor, A., Levin, O., Itzhaki, N.. Ophir L. & Hagshoury, T, (2022). When self-determination theory and simulation-based learning met: three perspectives on one training. a symposium. Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva

  • Levin, O, (2022). Simulation is powerful because it works like a good story": Training preservice teaching in literature through simulations". NAPH 2022 International Conference. The University of Texas at Austin

  • Guberman, R. & Eraky, A, (2022). Development through educational simulations: mathematical and pedagogical insights of teachers. In Proceeding of the 16th International Conference of The Mathematics Education for the Future Project: Building on the Past to Prepare for the Future, King’s College, Cambridge University, UK

  • Frei-Landau, R., Orland-Barak, L, (2021). Mimetic Dimensions of Professional Learning through Simulation – The Role of Simulative Experiences. In Proceeding of the AERA Annual Meeting conference: Accepting Educational Responsibility, Florida, USA.

  • Levin, O, (2021). Simulation-based learning in teacher education. Lexi-Kaye, 16, 8-12. ISSN 2664-7397 (in Hebrew).

  • Orr, Z. Machikawa, E. Unger, S. & Romem, A, (2021). Enhancing the Structural Competency of Nurses Through Standardized Patient Simulation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 62, 25-30

  • Levin, O., Machikawa, E. & Frei-Landau, R, (2021). The human-based virtual simulation model: Theoretical conceptualization and empirical evidence. Innovation and growth during uncertain times: Simulations in education and the Covid-19 crisis. MOFET institute

  • Levin, O., Machikawa, E. & Frei-Landau. R, (2021). Using simulations to promote interpersonal communication in distance learning. Tovanet 9: Insights in education, Israel

  • Flavian, H. & Levin, O, (2021). Implementing Simulation Based Learning (SBL) to promote efficient teacher training programs among intercultural and inclusive. . IAIE 2021 conference: Intercultural Education in an Age of Information and Disinformation. The Kibbutzim College of Education and MOFET institute

  • Levin, O. & Muchnhik, Y, (2021). Interconnection between theoretical and functional teacher knowledge of preservice teachers in the framework of simulation-based learning. Innovation and growth during uncertain times. Simulations in education and the Covid-19 crisis. MOFET institute

  • Levin, O. & Paryente, B, (2021). Using simulations in pretraining stage: Expanding the use of Simulation-Based Learning to the selection in teacher education. Innovation and growth during uncertain times: Simulations in education and the Covid-19 crisis. MOFET institute